Accounts Payable Frauds in Small Business

Fraud is not an easy task to commit. Money can not leave the company without stringent checks. Purchasing is the most crucial area to look for frauds. Purchasing fraud in its many forms leads as a source of losses, since paying vendors is one of the primary ways money leaves a company. Kickbacks, fake bills, fake vendors and conflicts of interest involving companies' employees or officers and vendors are some of the most common purchasing frauds.

Though many of the experts say that "Internal control helps to prevent the frauds" - if this is the ultimate truth then the big companies having stringent internal controls would have never fallen prey to the occupational frauds.

Fraud is altogether a different ball game and to combat this creature along with the strengthening of the internal controls one also needs to assess the risk of frauds on the perpetual basis. Proactively managing the risk areas is not easy job. External auditors can do it but the small and medium sized companies can not afford the costs of extensive auditing.

According to the Economic Crime Survey of PriceWaterHouseCoopers smaller organisations detected a far greater proportion of economic crime through audit processes than by other means. Given the respective size of the organisations this is most likely to be via the external auditors - a worrying finding that suggests smaller companies may be placing too little attention on the development of effective controls and alternative checks and balances. Over-reliance on a single annual review to root out problems may be playing into the fraudster's hands.

Perpetual assessment is the key to avoid the frauds all across. Apart from Microsoft Access, Excel, ACL and Idea, $afeGuard can be a useful tool in detecting common red flags of accounts payable fraud schemes.

One of the very common schemes of accounts payable frauds is fictitious company scheme. Employee fraudsters often set up fictitious vendors to commit a billing-scheme fraud. The fictitious vendor might be a shell company that provides no products or services. Or it might be a pass-through company, where the fraudster becomes an unnecessary intermediary between the legitimate company and the victim company to earn an unauthorized profit on payments to the legitimate vendor.

When setting up fictitious vendors in accounting information systems, fraudsters often leave behind clues that enable auditors to detect their crimes.

Common red flags include the following:
o An employee's home address matches a vendor's address.
o An employee's initials match a vendor's name.
o A vendor's address contains a P.O. Box.
o Vendor's data is missing

Perpetual assessments done with the aid of software will easily catch the above fraudulant schemes. However there are some more things which virtually every business owner should know in order to reduce the fraud losses.

Standards for supplier selection: Choosing the right supplier for the right material is not possible for every organization. Especially the small and medium organizations don't formalize their procedures and lose substantial revenues because of incorrect selection of the vendors. A company should be uniform in the way it buys its goods and services. This includes establishing and enforcing competitive bidding rules, seeking quotations from genuine vendors and rules specifying what employees may accept from suppliers in the way of gifts and perquisites. What is considered as bribe is a point of legal importance in case of proceedings.

Maintain good internal controls: Keep files on all vendors, including information from reliable sources regarding the vendors' business activities and reputations. Keep on rating the vendors based on various pre-defined criterions. Keep track of the address of the vendors. How many times did he change the communication address, whether PO Box number is mentioned in the address of the vendor?

Concurrent Analysis of Payments to Vendor: Payments need to be analyzed as and when they are made. Lesser the gap between payment date and the analysis date more are the chances that exceptions will be caught. If the exceptions are caught real-time then it becomes easier to recover the proceeds of the fraud if there is any. Perpetual analysis with tools such as $afeguard helps the owners of the businesses to check vendors and suspicious activities of vendors. Benford's analysis is one of the methods of analyzing the payments digitally using statistical theorems. The frequency of the particular number occurring more than its probability determines the patterns of payments which may result into the fraud.

Require disclosure by employees and suppliers. Employees responsible for purchasing, and all senior executives, should be asked annually to complete conflict of interest statements and to disclose interests in related parties. Suppliers should be asked to disclose their ownership and financial condition. This helps as the deterrent for the employees who try to collude with the vendors to dupe the employers. There remains a moral tension when the employee gives the disclosures.

Verify disclosures and reputations. Confirm that the company exists as a legal entity. Check out possible sister corporations, companies that are affiliated with the supplier through common ownership or officers. Also check for multiple companies at an address or phone number, which can be easily done with a city "criss-cross" directory or similar resource. If two suppliers share an address, there is a potential for bid-rigging.

Small Businesses often don't exert enough control over vendors, they don't treat control as an organic process, so they're not always looking at the flow of transactions and who the vendors are and the procedures they follow when using vendors. We still see a lack of due diligence on vendors and also just a lack of a risk-based approach where the company is constantly looking at situations, testing weaknesses, analyzing vendors and identifying suspect vendors.

Some of the testing techniques include looking for multiple vendors at one location or phone number, or vendors who use box numbers or post offices. Consecutive or duplicate payments to one vendor also merit special scrutiny, as those payments may be attempts to avoid authorization limits.

If some body asks you what is there in name? Then there is a possibility that you might be caught on the wrong foot. Names of the vendors tell you everything. Simple analysis of the names of vendor can raise red flags. One should be always suspicious of companies with names that don't tell you what they do, like ABC Management Co. or company names that are just slightly different from well-known companies like I.B.M. Chemicals or Cesco Inc. Generally these names are created with the intent of facilitating the payments. Names that appear to be broker or sales or marketing companies should also be considered, because those are soft services.

A last word of caution about payments to vendors is Benchmarking. One should keep on comparing the purchases of the company with other companies on regular basis. This is a test which no software can do for the business. One needs to keep asking if similar business organizations require these services. If other businesses are paying at the same rate for same services?

Analyzing the accounting databases on these lines is not the assurance that your company is free of frauds but it will definitely help in providing a peaceful sleep at night.

Internet Merchant Accounts - How to Choose the Best

Of all the elements of e-commerce, the internet merchant account remains the least understood and perhaps the most delicate component of building an online business. At the same time, there is a lot at stake in selecting a merchant account provider, and making a poor choice can result in numerous complications and unexpected log-terms costs. When it comes to accepting credit cards payments online, there is more that meets the eye-and it pays to understand the wider issues before committing with a provider.

Often, business people new to the Internet will focus on one merchant account issue-discount rate. The discount rate is the flat percentage taken from each credit card transaction by your merchant account provider. A reasonable rate is important. Unfortunately, many merchants never look beyond the discount rate to analyze other charges, fees and limits, nor do they reflect on issues like customer service, provider reputable, or how a provider performs risk assessment on your business.

With some providers offering shady solutions and many others pushing one-size-fits-all commodity merchant accounts, selecting the right provider-one that balances integrity and affordability- can be a daunting task. Complaints lodged against merchant account providers all have a familiar ring: sudden rate increases, long-term lock-in contracts, undisclosed fees and add-on charges, high monthly minimums, heavy rolling chargeback reserves, punishing chargeback fees, and surprise limits imposed upon your monthly revenue intake. A common adjunct to these problems is, quite logically, the inability to contact a customer service department when limits or complications grind business to a halt.

Ultra-low rates rarely equate with merchant friendly policies. Rather, scrutinize such rates critically and look at the total picture-from chargeback policies to monthly minimums to transaction fees. Look for hidden costs in the small print and look for ways a provider can 'pad your bill' with add-on fraud protection charges or 'gateway' fees. And make sure their structure corresponds comfortably with your business model and pricing strategy. Overnight approval, unsolicited e-mails ads and greedy pop-up application forms should also serve as warning signals. Building a sound business foundation means finding the best merchant account for your business model, and the type of goods you sell. Choosing the wrong merchant account provider is surely one of the quickest ways to derail your online business.

The Importance of Bookkeeping in a Business

If you run your own business, no matter what size, bookkeeping is a legal requirement by H M Revenue and Customs.

Basic records you must keep

Your basic records will normally include:
a record of all your sales, with copies of any invoices you've issued
a record of all your business purchases and expenses
invoices for all your business purchases and expenses
details of any amounts you personally pay into or take from the business
copies of business bank statements You or your accountant will use these records to create a profit and loss account - which shows the sales income you've received and the expenses you've paid, and what profit/ loss you've actually made. Your tax liability will be based on this.

Other records you must keep

All businesses are different and there are many specific types of detailed records that may need to be kept. Some examples of records you should keep include:
cash book
petty cash book
order notes and invoices
copy sales invoices
details of any other business income received
details of any private money brought into the business
till rolls or other form of electronic record of sales
details of any other income
any cash taken out of the till to pay small business expenses
bills and invoices for purchases and expenses
a record of stock on hand at the end of the year
all bank and building society statements, pass books, cheque stubs and paying-in slips which include details of business transactions If you do not keep accurate and complete records you may end up paying more tax than is due because of lack of evidence of tax deductible expenditure or/and inaccurate sales records causing H M Revenue and Customs to assess your expected sales . If you pay an accountant to prepare your accounts they will charge you based on how long it will take them. If your records are more accurate this will reduce the time taken and therefore reduce the amount they charge.

The above reasons are sufficient to ensure you keep good books and records but the most important reason is to ensure you have control over your business and that you can assess its profitability and the cash flow situation therefore ensuring you are aware of any potential problems as soon as possible and can make business decisions with all available information at hand.

Alan Butler is a director of A Butler and Company, chartered certified accountants, based in Derby, providing a personalised service to local business owners and individuals.

What Are We Waiting For? We Are All Here for a Specific Purpose, Just Look Around the World

What if all humans are connected in some spiritual way but have never explored the time it would take to make the necessary connections?

And further to this, what if all it took for each us to create a human chain of goodness was an act of unselfishness, which would have profound effect throughout the world.

We all know of the reactive rule of every action equating to an equal and opposite reaction, would the same hold true if by human nature every direct act of kindness resulted in a somewhat equal and or near exact chain reaction of extended good at whatever level of society we are currently exposed to or have any kind of interaction or access on any level.

The truths may be realized by systematic extension of receptive human chains, whereby every act of human kindness is reacted to, with an equal and secondary act of gratitude until a worldwide chain is completed within the circles of our lives. We all have something to offer, either through ourselves or our financial capacities, so why can't we equate our present life situations within the process of providing assistance at a level consistent with our standard of living. This may sound complicated but for reasons of simplifying the extremes of our needs and wants, a hungry person in an impoverished nation simply looks for their next meal, a place to rest and to live free from wars, while an individual in a better developed nation is hoping to move up in life by gaining an education for a better stature in life.

Establishing rigid ground rules for charitable assistance, whether it may be financial, or personal community giving with required and relayed charitable or gratuitous reaction will not by any means be acceptable by society, but laying foundations for doing right by your fellow citizens, knowing there was someone or something available to give the hope of allowing your life to be better, says more to oneself and moreover the rest of human kind.

Knowing that we can see where levels of need and assistance vary widely, we can begin the human chain of kindness by developing our innate nature of care and love which we are all born with, into something which can be extended through our natural ability to see pass what earthly divisions currently separates us far and wide.

The thought that humans are created to take care each other is not by any means a new concept, it is simply facts, which we by our own design decide to ignore and more times than not fail to recognize.

What then can be some of the starting premises of our human evolution of sustained kindness through decisive action with relayed dependable domino effects?

What then is the actual acountability factor we should hold ourselves to?

We must believe unequivocally that we are creating a trusted pattern of unconditional self-discipline by being free of daily judgment of our fellow citizens, no matter what the circumstances may be. We cannot begin the process of repairing and creating the kind of charitable extensions we are hoping to establish by limiting ourselves to the shortcomings of distrust. Any single act of kindness should result in a gratitude by extension, of kindness to another, by whatever level and means, we would then be well on our way to something greater than the very act itself, and the resulting downstream or upstream effects is the greatest satisfaction for us to experience. If we were to follow and keep societal accounts of what that initial act of kindness developed and multiplied into, I believe the resounding results seen would be mind blowing.

Life is measured mainly by numbers and statistics, a baseball player will never hit a homerun in every at bat nor will we be an expert at everything we do, but when it comes to the bettering of human lives, no statistic can measure or remove the multiplier effect of human to human assistance through our basic need and responsibility to have positive effects on the lives of our fellow citizens.

Comforting others through acts of kindness should never be for the need of self preservation or self satisfaction, but clearly understanding that a mirror glass effect will encourage the benefactor to establish themselves as a contributor to the needs of others no matter what their circumstances may be. Life lessons will be learned one act at time.

3 Accountability Rules Of Homeschooling

Often, when considering homeschooling, the focus gets put on the search for the best curriculum. While curriculum is important, an even more important factor needs to be considered before you decide to jump in with both feet.


While homeschooling does offer the allure of flexibility of learning materials, delivery and time, these pluses can turn into negatives if it is assumed that no accountability is necessary at all.

3 Rules of Accountability

1. Parent to School Board/Government

We are particularly fortunate because we have multiple school boards that solely serve the homeschooling population in our province of Alberta. This is a tremendous help as we are assigned to a case worker who travels to our house twice a year to consult with us about our goals, curriculum, activities, expenses, etc.

It helps to know that even though we have chosen homeschooling, we are not completely alone. The case worker is also available throughout the year free of charge for questions or advice when difficult situations arise. They also offer great ideas about what is working for other families in similar circumstances.

Another added bonus of this is that our children's education is documented with a public school board that is recognized by the government of Alberta. This makes the transition to high school and college much easier than if we just went it alone. Part of this is our school board does yearly provincial standard testing, which is kept on file, to help make sure our children are either on par or ahead of children in the public school system.

2. Children To Parent

Children that are homeschooled can quickly fall into the trap of thinking nobody is watching whether or not they are completing their lessons and work. We all know that children will test boundaries when the opportunities arise. They may be banking on the fact that their parents are busy working or doing chores around the house and trust them to do the work on their own.

So precautions must be taken to ensure that the accountability is strong in this area. Children should be given deadlines or goals for each area of study daily. As an example, many curriculum are divided into lessons, so as parents, we may tell our children that they are expected to finish lesson 101 in each subject today.

Some curriculum may encourage more than one lesson per day. Whatever you decide is fine as long as your expectations are expressed and you provide all the materials and help needed to successfully complete the work.

Although children may seem like they don't like accountability and vehemently oppose it, in reality, most children are somewhat comforted to know that their parents care enough about them to have rules or guidelines.

We would also suggest that accountability not be solely based on the quantity of work being done but rather on quality also. It is completely reasonable to not only expect a lesson to be completed, but also to expect a certain level of proficiency as well. Just filling in blanks with wrong answers doesn't accomplish anything.

This accountability also requires that there be consequences when work is not done properly. Unless their are attenuating circumstances, like inability to understand or sickness,children need to know that there is a cost to not being accountable. We find removal of electronic privileges work quite well in this regard.

3. Parent to Children

Even though parent to children is number three,that doesn't mean it is the least important. In fact, we believe it is actually the most important of the three. With the first two, you will get minimal results, but when parents are also accountable to their children, homeschooling all comes together.

Eventually, our kids will reach the age to move out and attend college or start life on their own. What kind of education and how well we have provided it to them will be instrumental to them achieving their goals in life.

Homeschooling is not a cop-out or an easy answer to a busy or transient lifestyle. In fact, if done right, homeschooling can be much more labor intensive for the parent than if their child went to public school. As parents, we now replace the teachers and supporting staff to some degree, depending on the curriculum chosen. It is us who must correct, verify, explain, and encourage our children.

The easiest way to accomplish this is by correcting your children's work on a daily basis. By doing this, you can catch potential issues before they grow into bigger problems. This is a major bonus of homeschooling!

If you can explain or even re-teach an area of concern immediately, you will prevent more frustration and confusion down the road. Remember, most courses such as English, Math, and Science involve building-type learning. What the children learn this week is used to build upon next week and so on.

Another important aspect of parents being accountable is that when we show we are involved and care deeply about our children's education, usually in return,they will be more accountable to us. Instead of a potentially adversarial relationship, we are building a more symbiotic one. Yes we are still in charge, but we can do so with love and respect at the same time.

These 3 rules of accountability in homeschooling are your starting point to a great homeschooling environment.

Accounting Colleges i

Accounting is a difficult field. Not everyone who wants to be an Accountant, manages to do so. Tremendous amount of hard work and constant study is a necessity. Getting into a good Accounting College augments your aim.

Delhi is the hub of all activities in the nation. It has quite a few good accounting institutions. Jagannath International Management School, International College of Financial Planning (offering PG Diploma in Financial Planning), VAG Info-tech Pvt. Ltd. (course in Accounts and Taxation), BLB Institute of Financial Markets (US certified Public Accounting Program), ICA- Certified Industrial Accountant, Institute of Computer and Finance Executives (courses in Certified Accounts Executive, Certified Finance Executive, Certified Account Executive, Finance Executive Programs), Scholar Classes Pvt. Ltd. offering CA and CPT, Computer Center for Management and Training (Advance Diploma in Financial Accounting), Sanjeev Varshney Classes (offering CA- CS), AKN Commerce Classes (CA-CPT), are good colleges to get admission into. You can also apply to the University of Delhi and the Amity University for accounting courses.

Kolkata also offers commendable opportunity to those deciding on a career in Accountancy. St. Xavier's College and Goenka College are much sort after institutes. Other good colleges are Indian Institute of Job Oriented Training (Finance), Heritage Academy, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Eastern India Regional Council Of The Institute Of Chartered Accountants Of India, West Bengal Professional Education Course, and Eastern India Regional Council Of The Institute Of Chartered Accountants Of India. Students in West Bengal thus do not need to shift to any other part of the country as there are both study and job options available to them at home.

Mumbai too is a preferred location of Accounting Colleges in India. Malad Kandivali Education Society's Nagindas Khandwala College Of Commerce And Arts, Smt. P.D. Hinduja Trust's K.P.B. Hinduja College Of Commerce, Chikitsak Samuha'S S.S. & L.S. Patkar College Of Arts & Science And V.P. Varde College Of Commerce & Economics, Parle Tilak Vidyalaya Association's Mulund College Of Commerce, Parle Tilak Vidyalaya Association's M.L. Dahanukar College Of Commerce. Other colleges where you can seek admission are Shailendra Education Society's Arts, Science And Commerce College, Nirmala Degree College, Sterling College of Commerce, and B.M Ruia Girls College.

Bangalore today is the focal point of business in India. Undoubtedly the ambit of jobs here is multiple. So is the number of colleges extending accounting courses. The Bangalore Management Academy is a good choice. Other alternatives in Bangalore are the Christ College, C.B. Bhandari Jain College, B.H.S. First Grade College, Bangalore Branch Of S.I.R.C. Of The Institute Of Chartered Accountants Of India, Kristu Jayanti College, H.K.E.S. Sree Veerendra Patil Degree College Of Science, Dr. Ambedkar Degree Evening College, St. Joseph's College Of Commerce, Rajajinagar Education Society's Sri Aurobindo First Grade College For Women. There are a few others that include Seshadripuram Institute For Studies In Chartered Accountancy, Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain College, and Sri Sai College. You can apply to any of these.

Few other institutes across the country have proven to be good Accounting Colleges. You should also consider them while making up your mind for applying. They are the ICFAI in Nagaland, the Gulbarga University of Karnataka and the Institute of Computer Accountants in Chennai.

Accountancy is a scope galore in the business calendar today. Accounting Colleges in India are thus competing to offer the best course structure and be the choice of students across the country. The job market in metros is a huge one, though other cities also require their services. The important thing is to qualify for a good accounting college, but the motive should be to remain focused and willing to take up the inherent challenge of the profession.

Top Accounting School Rankings

When thinking about starting school for accounting, you want to research which schools there are along with the accounting school rankings. You would not want to attend a school that is not set up totally to full fill your needs.

There are so many colleges and universities that say they offer the best traditional, long distance, or online education but it is better to research for your self how they stand in the accounting school rankings.

There are several entities that rank schools and among them are BUSINESS WEEK, US NEWS, WORLD REPORT and NEWSWEEK. These companies research through all the business schools on their curriculum, graduation rate, academic resources, student activity, faculty resources, grade output, university connections, and on the financial status of the school.

Its important to know everything you can about the accounting school. Rankings will help you to make a good decision on what school is going to help you get your career started.

According to BUSINESS WEEK, the top 30 accounting school rankings from one to 30 are U. of Chicago, U of Penn., Northwestern U., Harvard U., U. of Michigan, Stanford U., MIT, UC Berkeley, Duke U., Columbia U., Dartmouth, UCLA, Cornell U., NYU, U. of Virginia, Carnegie Mellon, UNC., Indiana U., Yale U., Texas U., U. of Southern California, Georgetown U., Emory U., Purdue U., U. of Maryland, U. of Notre Dame, Washington U., Rochester, Michigan State U., and Vanderbilt U..

The other main companies accounting school rankings basically go the same route as business week. When you do your research on colleges, you should also check with the state's Better Business Bureau. Especially when you are dealing with all the online schools. A website named OEDB which is OnLine Education Data Base has compiled an accounting school rankings system for online education.

Online education is growing but has not yet received the respect as have the in house colleges. These online accounting school rankings were started in 2007 and they have helped shed light to prospective students. Their online accounting school rankings were based on acceptance rate, financial aid, graduation rate, years accredited, student-faculty ratio, scholarly citations, retention rate, and peer web citations.

Tips To Start Your Accounting Career

What are the best ways for you to get your accounting career started? When I started my career, I know I was a little intimidated by the process. However, once you know what you are doing and how to go about lining everything up, you can actually you're your accounting career up and running in no time.

The first step to getting your accounting career up and running is to make sure you have the proper education. In order to have an accounting career you will want to make sure you have some sort of accounting education. Check on line and you may be able to find a school or program that can help you with getting your degree. If, though, you already have your accounting degree, you are one step closer to getting your accounting career off the ground.

Once you have your education completed, the next step in getting an accounting career going is to figure out what you want to do, exactly. For instance, you can choose a corporate accounting career, you can work for individuals, or you could even work for a non-profit organization of some kind. In other words, before you get your accounting rolling you will need to figure out what exactly your accounting career is going to be.

Once you figure out what type of accounting career you want to get started, you can begin your search for a job. There are three good places to look for jobs that can get your accounting career off the ground: the internet, newspaper, and through a headhunter. Check online job sites to see what types of accounting jobs are available in your area. Finding an entry-level job can be just the boost you need to get your accounting career going.

Another way to find that local job is through one of the local newspapers. Check the classifieds in the paper under accounting. There you can find accounting career entry level jobs that may help you. You can also contact a headhunter in the area. A headhunter specializes in placing people in jobs for their clients. If you have the education required to get into an accounting career, a headhunter may be able to place you with one of his or her clients.

Getting any career off the ground is a little bit of a challenge for most anyone. You want to get your accounting career going, and that is something that can be done as long as you know how to go about it. First, make sure you have the education required of someone with an accounting career. Next, figure out exactly what type of accounting career you would like to have, whether it be corporate, private, or non-profit. Finally, it is time for you to get a job and get your accounting career rolling. If you want to build a career, get yourself started by following these simple tips and you will be going before you know it.

Accounting Education in Films

Because of major financial crises that have occurred in the past, many film producers choose to re-enact these events through movie productions. These producers were forced to incorporate technical accounting and financial principles to correctly portray the events leading to a financial crisis. "Other People's Money," a film released in 1991, by Norman Jewison, starred Danny Devito as Lawrence Garfield. Garfield's success has come as a result of purchasing companies and liquidating their assets, which required accounting and financial theories. The accounting that is discussed during the movie directly relates to course material commonly studied in an intermediate level accounting class.

Garfield identifies an appealing company called New England Wire and Cable. He is aware that the company has a higher liquation value per share than market price per share. In addition, he is particularlyimpressed by this company because it has no debts, no legal liabilities, no environmental or contingent liabilities, and a fully funded pension. Garfield makes every effort to influence the owner to sell the company and illustrates to him how his assets are worth more after liquidation.

This movie incorporates many theories and topics presented at an intermediate accounting level. Topics such as Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), liquidation, market value, historical costing, financial statements, and fair market value are frequently mentioned throughout the plot. A particular scene in the movie displays Lawrence Garfield explaining a very basic valuation analysis to the owner of New England Wire and Cable that simplifies the concept of "market value or price per share." This calculation includes the addition of equipment at salvage value, land at fair market value, value of other operations, and working capital, totaled and divided by the number of shares issued and outstanding.

The equation is begun by explaining that equipment, purchased at 120 million dollars, has a salvage value of 30 million dollars. The concept of depreciation, which includes salvage value, or value of an asset at the end of its useful life, is an intermediate level accounting topic that is frequently referenced. Garfield continues by adding the fair market value of the land, as grazing land. When learning fair market value (FMV) in accounting education, it is commonly associated with impairments, a topic learned in intermediate accounting. New England Wire and Cable also conducts operations of plumbing electrical and adhesive, with added other revenues to Garfield's calculation. Finally, working capital is added to this part of the equation. Working capital, particularly as a ratio, is constantly used in accounting and finance to show liquidity of a business by comparing current assets to current liabilities. In intermediate accounting courses, current liabilities are further discussed relating to gain and loss contingences.

To begin the second part of the calculation, Garfield decided to reduce the total by 25 million dollars because the wire and cable division of the company is not producing a profit and is being supported by the other divisions. He does this to be conservative. Conservatism has remained a large part of intermediate level accounting, specifically in acquisition and valuation of plant, property, and equipment. Following this new conservative total, Garfield calculates the value per share of 25 dollars by dividing by the number of shares issued and outstanding. The current owner of New England Wire and Cable mentioned that the initial market price was 10 dollars per share and Garfield refers to this as a "sale" since its liquidation value per share is 25 dollars.

The market price per share of stock is a current measure, not based on historical values. All of the variables needed to calculate the market price per share is given within a company's financial statements. The difference been these two values is that the initial market value is what the stock is actually selling for per share while the liquidation value is what each share would be sold for if the company should go out of business and sell all assets. Typically, the market price per share should be higher than liquidation value. In addition to the actual calculation of a valuation analysis, students of intermediate accounting are continually educated on the preparation of financial statements, in compliance with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, otherwise known as GAAP.

Accounting Colleges in Kenya

Accounting is a rigorous and time-consuming profession. To become an accountant in Kenya, an individual must graduate from one of the nation's many accounting schools. The accounting schools train students for the realities of the profession and prepare them to take the necessary examinations as required by the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya.

Bridge College of Professional Studies

Established in 1993, Bridge College is located in Kenya's capital, Nairobi. The college's School of Business Management offers students an Advanced Diploma in Accounting and finance course. It is an 18-month program that is divided into three six-month terms. Each term costs between 9,000 and 10,500 Kenyan Shillings (between $109.95 and $128.28 USD) as of June 2010. The course offers classes on bookkeeping, entrepreneurship, accounting, business law, financial management, auditing and taxation.

KCA University

KCA University offers business management courses to students. The university was created in 1989 after a report determined that Kenya needed to graduate at least 400 accountants every year to meet business demands. The School of Professional Programmes offers an Accounting Technicians Certificate (ATC), a Certified Public Accountants (CPA) degree and an Association of Chartered Accountants (ACCA) degree. The ATC course prepares decree holders to maintain accounting records and other related technical tasks. The CPA course allows degree holders to follow up with additional specialized courses in accounting such as the ACCA. The ACCA is an internationally-recognized degree that allows a degree holder to work outside Kenya.

Strathmore University

Strathmore University is located in Nairobi. Its School of Accountancy offers several degrees, including the Certified Public Accountant Course (CPA) and the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). The CPA course includes classes in subjects such as Cost Accounting, Financial Management, Taxation and Company Law. A graduate with a CPA degree can work as accountants, tax managers or go on to take specialized courses in accounting such as the ACCA. The ACCA degree allows a graduate to work outside of Kenya as an accountant and can be taken full time or part time.

Pinnacle Business School

Pinnacle Business School is located in Nairobi and was established in 2007. It offers full-time and part-time students the Accounting Technicians Certificate (ATC) and a Certified Public Accountants (CPA) degree. Students taking the ATC course take classes in Business Mathematics, Principles of Management and Auditing. The CPA course includes classes in Entrepreneurship and Communication, Economics, Cost Accounting, Auditing and Assurance. Each school year at Pinnacle Business School is divided into two semesters. The first semester runs from January through May while the second semester is from July until November.

What Is Intermediate Accounting?

  1. Features

    • Intermediate accounting introduces students to a deeper and broader level of accounting theory. The typical intermediate accounting format requires two semesters of intense conceptual course work.


    • Topics found in intermediate accounting include the conceptual framework of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), financial ratios analysis, equity accounting, investment strategies and financial statement preparation.


    • Because intermediate accounting courses represent the beginning of major accounting theory concepts, students who fail to complete the course often change their majors because they are unable to finish the degree in four years.


    • Students looking to begin a career in public accounting should carefully choose the colleges where they earn their accounting degrees. Certain colleges and universities have better accounting programs, equipping their students with the education needed to pass the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam.

    Expert Insight

    • Several accounting websites, such as or, offer students various resources on learning intermediate accounting concepts. These resources are useful because traditional textbooks may be difficult for students to use during the accounting course.

How to Write a CV for an Accounting Assistant

An accounting assistant might want to write a curriculum vitae for several reasons, whether it's to provide biographical material for a news article, submit information for a service award or to supply information for a job application. A CV differs from a resume in that a CV is a more complete account of a person's history, especially as it relates to his career. For example, while a resume would not list every article published in trade journals, a CV would list them, including the dates they were published and the names of the journals. A resume is generally limited to two pages, but a CV can be as long as necessary to list a person's publishing credits.


    • 1
      Create a digital text document with Microsoft Word or another word processing application. Open a new file and begin writing your CV by typing in "Curriculum Vitae" at the top. Center "Curriculum Vitae" on the page. Continue by typing your contact information in the upper left corner of your document. Include your name, address, phone number and email address.
    • 2
      Create a work history section of your CV by typing in "Work History" on a single line in bold letters. List your work history in reverse chronological order. Include the positions you held, the companies you worked for and the dates of employment. Focus on work that is related to accounting or related fields, list the names of past supervisors and be as detailed as possible in your descriptions. Curriculum vitae roughly translates to "course of life" in Latin, so you want each entry to be as complete as it can be.
    • 3
      Add a "Qualifications" section to your CV. You'll want to refer to the employment history you listed in the "Work History" section in this area, but focus on skills and training here. Note any specific job responsibilities or skill sets developed during your employment. While a resume might not list every training course that you took while employed in a particular position, a CV will. Remember that a CV has no length limit.
    • 4
      Write a section that outlines your educational background. Include dates of school attendance and degrees earned. Note any special coursework in math and accounting. List names of specific courses that are related to accounting, which will present a more complete picture of your educational background than a resume would.
    • 5
      Follow with a CV section entitled "Honors and Associations." Here, you'll list any honors you received from any of the clubs in which you are a member. Even if you have no awards, list the organizations. While a resume might limit entries to those related to accounting, a CV will list them all.
    • 6
      Read over your CV to catch any typographical errors.

List of Accounting Courses

Accountants, accounting clerks, bookkeepers and auditors may study for up to five years to prepare for careers in this growing field. While precise course names may vary, coursework in auditing, federal income tax accounting and ethics are usually standard among undergraduate accounting curricula. Programs may additionally require students to complete a related internship for credit in order to apply accounting concepts like budget analysis and database management in a practical setting.

  1. Principles of Accounting

    • All undergraduate accounting programs include an introductory course in accounting basics most pertinent for those interested in operating sole proprietorships. Payroll accounting, accountant processes and Accounting for Cash are only a few of the topics covered in this foundational course.

    Computerized Accounting

    • Undergraduate accounting curricula generally include coursework designed to familiarized students with the latest methods in electronic bookkeeping, database management and how to apply accounting principles using computerized software.

    Accounting Ethics

    • Through case studies, students will evaluate the evolution of ethics in accounting and discuss professional responsibility. Students will also explore ethical standards set by state boards of accountancy.

    Cost Management

    • A cost management or cost accounting course is designed to train students how to manage internal operations within an industrial setting. Project planning, decision-making, budget analysis and profitability concepts are also emphasized in this course.


    • Coursework in auditing is standard among undergraduate accounting curricula. Students will learn how to gather and evaluate evidence for an audit, and may even complete a student-prepared audit. Auditing courses also include some degree of focus on ethics and legal liability.

    Income Tax Accounting

    • Income tax accounting course offers guidance in tax preparation. Students will develop a familiarization with various tax forms, as well as tax preparation software. A close examination of federal, state and local tax laws is also part of this course.

    Governmental Accounting

    • A government accounting course will focus on theories, practices and other special requirements unique to accounting for government and not-for-profit entities, like public schools. Coursework in this area covers specialized reporting concepts and budgeting procedures. Undergraduate accounting programs typically require that students complete prerequisites prior to enrolling in this advanced course.

What Are the Duties for an Accounting Assistant Work Study?

Work-study programs are federally funded and awarded under the Federal Work Study (FWS) program. Community colleges and universities usually offer positions to students who are working on specific majors, such as accounting, to work within their field; these schools pay them using these federal funds. To be eligible for an accounting work-study program, you must demonstrate financial need..

  1. General Office
    • Accounting assistants in work-study programs will perform many office duties including filing, preparing documents; operate standard office equipment and enter information into a database. Assignments will become increasingly more detailed as an accounting assistant gains experience in the field.
    Money Management
    • Part of the job duties for an accounting assistant work-study student may include processing payments, updating account finance and managing bills. Other monetary duties, such as preparing and depositing currency, are likely to be part of a work-study program job description.
    Computer and Data Entry
    • Entering information into a computer spreadsheet program and using computer software to create reports may be part of an accounting assistant work-study position. It might be necessary to have some basic mathematical knowledge as well as word processing skills to perform necessary accounting assistant job-related activities.

What Is Intermediate Accounting?

Accounting students usually take three years of accounting courses to complete a bachelor’s degree at most educational institutions. One year of an accounting degree includes intermediate accounting, a second-level accounting class.

Intermediate accounting introduces students to a deeper and broader level of accounting theory. The typical intermediate accounting format requires two semesters of intense conceptual course work.

Topics found in intermediate accounting include the conceptual framework of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), financial ratios analysis, equity accounting, investment strategies and financial statement preparation.

Because intermediate accounting courses represent the beginning of major accounting theory concepts, students who fail to complete the course often change their majors because they are unable to finish the degree in four years.

Students looking to begin a career in public accounting should carefully choose the colleges where they earn their accounting degrees. Certain colleges and universities have better accounting programs, equipping their students with the education needed to pass the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam.

Expert Insight
Several accounting websites, such as or, offer students various resources on learning intermediate accounting concepts. These resources are useful because traditional textbooks may be difficult for students to use during the accounting course.

How to Write a CV for an Accounting Assistant

An accounting assistant might want to write a curriculum vitae for several reasons, whether it's to provide biographical material for a news article, submit information for a service award or to supply information for a job application. A CV differs from a resume in that a CV is a more complete account of a person's history, especially as it relates to his career. For example, while a resume would not list every article published in trade journals, a CV would list them, including the dates they were published and the names of the journals. A resume is generally limited to two pages, but a CV can be as long as necessary to list a person's publishing credits.


    • 1
      Create a digital text document with Microsoft Word or another word processing application. Open a new file and begin writing your CV by typing in "Curriculum Vitae" at the top. Center "Curriculum Vitae" on the page. Continue by typing your contact information in the upper left corner of your document. Include your name, address, phone number and email address.
    • 2
      Create a work history section of your CV by typing in "Work History" on a single line in bold letters. List your work history in reverse chronological order. Include the positions you held, the companies you worked for and the dates of employment. Focus on work that is related to accounting or related fields, list the names of past supervisors and be as detailed as possible in your descriptions. Curriculum vitae roughly translates to "course of life" in Latin, so you want each entry to be as complete as it can be.
    • 3
      Add a "Qualifications" section to your CV. You'll want to refer to the employment history you listed in the "Work History" section in this area, but focus on skills and training here. Note any specific job responsibilities or skill sets developed during your employment. While a resume might not list every training course that you took while employed in a particular position, a CV will. Remember that a CV has no length limit.
    • 4
      Write a section that outlines your educational background. Include dates of school attendance and degrees earned. Note any special coursework in math and accounting. List names of specific courses that are related to accounting, which will present a more complete picture of your educational background than a resume would.
    • 5
      Follow with a CV section entitled "Honors and Associations." Here, you'll list any honors you received from any of the clubs in which you are a member. Even if you have no awards, list the organizations. While a resume might limit entries to those related to accounting, a CV will list them all.
    • 6
      Read over your CV to catch any typographical errors.

How to Study for an Accounting Exam

Accounting can be an easy subject but it takes practice and studying to pass an Accounting exam. Working steadily throughout the course will prepare you for the exam. If you try to cram at the end you won't do as well. You need your books and all the practice materials to study for the exam. Preparation is the key to passing.


    • 1
      Find out what the exam will be on. Your professor can enlighten you but you should know from the subject material that you have been covering. Some teachers give a test preparation class; make sure you attend.
    • 2
      Review all the material that you have covered in the course. This can be lengthy but if you have been working with the material it shouldn't take that long. Sometimes your instructor will pass out information sheets which include specific areas for you to concentrate on.
    • 3
      Set up a study team. If you work with other members of your class to review the material you will be better prepared for any questions that may be asked.
    • 4
      Ask questions if there is any material that you are not sure of. Approach your professor or ask another student in the class.
    • 5
      Answer questions the of others who are having difficulty. The best part about this is while you are answering questions you are learning too so this is a great tool to use as often as possible.
    • 6
      Make sure you are prepared the day of the exam. If you need to bring certain items to the exam make sure you do. Some accounting exams are open book; make sure you have your text if you are allowed to use it.

Globalization's Impact on Accounting Education

Globalization is the process of integrating economies, societies and cultures through communication, transportation and trade. Large businesses and corporations now have to be mindful of not only the environment and cultures within their region but throughout the nation and ultimately across the world. Some people do not support globalization because they are afraid that it will result in sweat shops and environmental degradation amongst many other negative outcomes; however, since globalization is inevitably becoming the societal norm, it is important that future business leaders are taught with this objective in mind. While globalization is nearly impossible to prevent, with the correct education and practice, future business leaders should be able to reduce the preconceived destructive results of globalization from occurring. With that being said, Globalization has a huge impact on accounting education.

Education policies and practices is one factor that has been affected by globalization. More specifically, many concepts are being reevaluated and taught differently. These terms include but are not limited to the following; culture, in port/export, international trade, foreign market entry, ethics, market exchange rates, restrictions on trade, free trade laws, IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards), and GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles). These words are now being taught with the ideology that students will grow to work in multinational corporations in which they are encouraged to understand how countries around the world conduct business. In the near future, if not contemporary, young scholars will also be required to be knowledgeable and able to differentiate the political, economic, and market systems of every country; however, with globalization growing so rapidly, it would not be a surprise if every country complied with one set of laws and standards in the future. In fact, according to USA Today, Sir David Tweedie (chairman of the International Accounting Standards Board) stated that "we must eventually end up with a common system of regulation, auditing and accounting." With that being said, there may be many issues and conflicts with the many requirements in obtaining a career in the accounting field.

Since classes are constantly being added to accounting education the requirements may create a hinder on the development of pre-existing accounting professionals. In fact textbooks are revised annually and it will soon be mandatory for students to take one or more foreign language class. While accounting analyzes the history of financial decisions and documents, in order to keep current accountants up to date on the contemporary and future business aspect, companies are demanding that their employees attend seminars, workshops, and classes relating to globalization. This may create a burden on people that have been with a company for years readjusting to the ever changing business standards. It is in the best interest of accountants to submit to the wishes of their employer because those that do not comply with these requirements, may ultimately suffer with outsourcing of accounting careers to foreign countries that are familiar with international standards. While there are a few discrepancies relating to the educational requirements in obtaining a degree and maintaining a career in the accounting field, there are both positive and negative effects of a globalize education system.

Globalization creates many opportunities for both US born as well as international students. American students will be capable of traveling to large developing business corporations in countries such as Asia and Europe for work. International students whom attempt to obtain degrees in the US will be preferred (in the US and other countries) than native born citizens. With that being said many international students will establish a career in the U.S. which will ultimately create an "unbalance in the supply and demand in the US accounting job market" (Articles base, Globalization's Impact on Accounting Career). It is unbalanced because foreign countries are not able to employ the best candidates to operate their businesses in order for them to compete in the globalize market. It is quite obvious that globalization is affecting accounting careers; however it will continue to influence the way future accountants obtain positions in the field.

In the end Globalization plays a huge role on accounting education. Not only are the effects both positive and negative, they are ultimately inevitable. It is important to educate accountants on the standards of other countries so that they are thoroughly knowledgeable in their field because many businesses operate with countries across the world. Textbooks and classes are being updated annually in order to remain consistent and up-to-date with business standards. While the requirements of obtaining a degree in accounting are complex, the journey towards achieving is well worth the time in effort.

Globalization and the Impact on Accounting and Education

In today's society, it is not uncommon for a company to move a portion or the entirety of its operations overseas. This action is known as globalization and has been increasing for many reasons. Cheaper labor, wider customer base and lower taxes are a few of those reasons. With the increase in globalization comes a change in the way students are educated about business. Accounting is the root of business and with the growth in globalization, accounting education has begun to change.

The two main set of standards being used are International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Over one hundred countries throughout the world are using IFRS while the United States has been using GAAP for over seventy-five years. Companies that have begun to offshore and send business operations overseas have begun to find difficulty in analyzing and comparing financial reports while complying with both sets of rules. The Securities and Exchange Commission has stated that since the United States is the only country using GAAP, they will abandon it and switch to IFRS. The switch to IFRS is going to have a huge impact on educators, students and accountants currently using GAAP.

First off, the switch from GAAP to IFRS would prove to be very costly. All accounting textbooks would need to be rewritten to include IFRS and educators and professionals in the field would all need to be trained in IFRS. Despite the transition requiring a large amount of money, it would prove beneficial to students and possibly current accountants by providing additional opportunities to work for a wider variety of companies. Current accountants would have to take continuing education classes to fully learn the IFRS standards. The cost of those classes most likely would be paid for by companies, although not all would pay for the cost of these classes. Overall the cost of switching over to IFRS is vastly outweighed by the opportunities that will be available to students, current professors, educators and accountants.

A second major factor in the switch from GAAP to IFRS is timing. The quicker and more smooth the transition is, will also greatly impact the students, and business people involved. Companies that currently have operations overseas will most likely have a more smooth transition because they are most likely already using IFRS or have a better understanding of those Standards. Some accountants might not find that it is worthwhile to have to go back and learn new ways of doing their job especially if they have been using GAAP for many years. Current accountants might decide to take on another position or change companies all together. The students currently in school or soon to be in school for accounting could have a major advantage when entering the work force if they have been taught IFRS. These students would have a much better chance at obtaining entry level positions and working up the ladder to higher positions because of their updated knowledge.

Overall, the switch from GAAP to IFRS in the United States would bring about a huge cost. Textbooks would have to be redone, teachers, educators and current accountants would have to be educated and take time out of their business day to learn the new standards. Students currently in college for accounting will have to stay and take extra courses to be educated in the IFRS standards instead of the GAAP standards in which they are currently being taught.

Companies would be spending a lot of money to send their accounts to courses, seminars or workshops to update them in the International way of recording financial reports. Despite the enormous cost of switching standards, the benefit of switching as soon as possibly can create better job opportunities for the current and future accounting students. As the United States abandons GAAP and implements IFRS, companies that have portions of their operations in multiple countries will be able to fully compare financial statements without having to go through the difficult process of using two different sets of rules and standards when composing those statements.

List of Accounting Courses

Accountants, accounting clerks, bookkeepers and auditors may study for up to five years to prepare for careers in this growing field. While precise course names may vary, coursework in auditing, federal income tax accounting and ethics are usually standard among undergraduate accounting curricula. Programs may additionally require students to complete a related internship for credit in order to apply accounting concepts like budget analysis and database management in a practical setting.

Principles of Accounting

  • All undergraduate accounting programs include an introductory course in accounting basics most pertinent for those interested in operating sole proprietorships. Payroll accounting, accountant processes and Accounting for Cash are only a few of the topics covered in this foundational course.

Computerized Accounting

  • Undergraduate accounting curricula generally include coursework designed to familiarized students with the latest methods in electronic bookkeeping, database management and how to apply accounting principles using computerized software.

    Accounting Ethics

    • Through case studies, students will evaluate the evolution of ethics in accounting and discuss professional responsibility. Students will also explore ethical standards set by state boards of accountancy.

    Cost Management

    • A cost management or cost accounting course is designed to train students how to manage internal operations within an industrial setting. Project planning, decision-making, budget analysis and profitability concepts are also emphasized in this course.


    • Coursework in auditing is standard among undergraduate accounting curricula. Students will learn how to gather and evaluate evidence for an audit, and may even complete a student-prepared audit. Auditing courses also include some degree of focus on ethics and legal liability.

    Income Tax Accounting

    • Income tax accounting course offers guidance in tax preparation. Students will develop a familiarization with various tax forms, as well as tax preparation software. A close examination of federal, state and local tax laws is also part of this course.

    Governmental Accounting

    • A government accounting course will focus on theories, practices and other special requirements unique to accounting for government and not-for-profit entities, like public schools. Coursework in this area covers specialized reporting concepts and budgeting procedures. Undergraduate accounting programs typically require that students complete prerequisites prior to enrolling in this advanced course.

How to Study for an Accounting Exam

Accounting can be an easy subject but it takes practice and studying to pass an Accounting exam. Working steadily throughout the course will prepare you for the exam. If you try to cram at the end you won't do as well. You need your books and all the practice materials to study for the exam. Preparation is the key to passing.


  • 1
    Find out what the exam will be on. Your professor can enlighten you but you should know from the subject material that you have been covering. Some teachers give a test preparation class; make sure you attend.
  • 2
    Review all the material that you have covered in the course. This can be lengthy but if you have been working with the material it shouldn't take that long. Sometimes your instructor will pass out information sheets which include specific areas for you to concentrate on.

    • 3
      Set up a study team. If you work with other members of your class to review the material you will be better prepared for any questions that may be asked.
    • 4
      Ask questions if there is any material that you are not sure of. Approach your professor or ask another student in the class.
    • 5
      Answer questions the of others who are having difficulty. The best part about this is while you are answering questions you are learning too so this is a great tool to use as often as possible.
    • 6
      Make sure you are prepared the day of the exam. If you need to bring certain items to the exam make sure you do. Some accounting exams are open book; make sure you have your text if you are allowed to use it.

Accounting Colleges in Kenya

Accounting is a rigorous and time-consuming profession. To become an accountant in Kenya, an individual must graduate from one of the nation's many accounting schools. The accounting schools train students for the realities of the profession and prepare them to take the necessary examinations as required by the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya.

Bridge College of Professional Studies

  • Established in 1993, Bridge College is located in Kenya's capital, Nairobi. The college's School of Business Management offers students an Advanced Diploma in Accounting and finance course. It is an 18-month program that is divided into three six-month terms. Each term costs between 9,000 and 10,500 Kenyan Shillings (between $109.95 and $128.28 USD) as of June 2010. The course offers classes on bookkeeping, entrepreneurship, accounting, business law, financial management, auditing and taxation.

KCA University

KCA University offers business management courses to students. The university was created in 1989 after a report determined that Kenya needed to graduate at least 400 accountants every year to meet business demands. The School of Professional Programmes offers an Accounting Technicians Certificate (ATC), a Certified Public Accountants (CPA) degree and an Association of Chartered Accountants (ACCA) degree. The ATC course prepares decree holders to maintain accounting records and other related technical tasks. The CPA course allows degree holders to follow up with additional specialized courses in accounting such as the ACCA. The ACCA is an internationally-recognized degree that allows a degree holder to work outside Kenya.

Strathmore University

Strathmore University is located in Nairobi. Its School of Accountancy offers several degrees, including the Certified Public Accountant Course (CPA) and the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). The CPA course includes classes in subjects such as Cost Accounting, Financial Management, Taxation and Company Law. A graduate with a CPA degree can work as accountants, tax managers or go on to take specialized courses in accounting such as the ACCA. The ACCA degree allows a graduate to work outside of Kenya as an accountant and can be taken full time or part time.

Pinnacle Business School

Pinnacle Business School is located in Nairobi and was established in 2007. It offers full-time and part-time students the Accounting Technicians Certificate (ATC) and a Certified Public Accountants (CPA) degree. Students taking the ATC course take classes in Business Mathematics, Principles of Management and Auditing. The CPA course includes classes in Entrepreneurship and Communication, Economics, Cost Accounting, Auditing and Assurance. Each school year at Pinnacle Business School is divided into two semesters. The first semester runs from January through May while the second semester is from July until November.

Choose between the two specializations in Finance

Student Profile

YOU: You are a driven, detail oriented individual. Your previous studies and/or your previous work experience have allowed you to acquire good financial fundamentals. You are passionate about financial markets and more generally about investments and financial products. You aspire to an analyst position within a dynamic fund or an investment bank, with the ambition to move to a managing position later on in your career

Student Profile

YOU: You have excellent communication skills and are numerically proficient. You have acquired some financial knowledge through your previous studies and/or through your professional experience. You want to strengthen your ability to structure investment portfolios and solutions for high net worth investors as well as for institutional clients. You aspire to join a private bank, an asset management company or a family office.

MSc Accounting and Management (1 yrs)

The MSc in Accounting and Management offers you the best of both worlds from an academic study point of view and the range of career options that will be available to you.

  • Programme overview
From an academic perspective you can study a range of Management subjects to provide you with the key skills that are necessary for a modern business environment but also develop your Accounting skills in much more depth that would be possible through studying a MSc Management or MBA course. The exposure to two units in Financial and Management Accounting in semester 1 with the ability to study one of these to a more advanced level in semester 2 means that you can elect that stream of Accountancy that appeals to you most once you have experienced the subject. You will have a number of optional courses offered to you from a range of Management, Accounting and Finance units which enable you to focus on areas that are of interest to you.

From a career perspective, this MSc Accounting and Management masters degree will not only provide you with the skills of modern management, but the study of accountancy will ensure that you are able to comprehend the significance of good accounting advice when it is provided to you. You should also feel more confident about discussing this with qualified accountants working within your organisation when important strategic decisions are being debated.
The MSc Accounting & Management, with a range of options to tailor the MSc as you wish, provides you with pathways into careers that would normally be available to MSc Accounting & Finance students or MSc Management students. The blend of Accounting and Management provides you with a MSc that offers the best of both worlds.

To Apply

 If you wish to apply to enrol on the masters in Accounting and Management you should complete a University of Southampton application form and return it to the Academic Registrar.  You can fill out the form online or download an application pack

Programme Structure

 Full-time study on the MSc Accounting and Management course follows a schedule of half-day teaching blocks. A single module, for example, will be taught over six half-days, usually the same half-day each week e.g. six consecutive Monday mornings and half modules are taught over three half-days. Module teaching blocks will be scheduled on different half-days so that students will study several modules during the same period .

Teaching takes place during the autumn, spring and summer terms with a few modules scheduled for evenings and the Easter vacation. These will usually be the optional modules but this is not guaranteed. Formal examinations take place in January and May/June each year at the end of each semester. If you pass the module assessments to a satisfactory standard you are permitted to continue work until September leading to the submission of an MSc dissertation.


  • Entry requirements

    Typical entry requirements


    First or upper second class honours degree from a UK university or equivalent overseas/ professional qualification in an appropriate subject.

    Selection process:

    Intake: 45
    Average applicants per place: 10
    Your application to study this Accounting and Management masters degree will be carefully considered by a specialist member of the academic staff who will weigh up many factors; not only your academic achievements, interests and aptitudes, but also your motivation and your referee's confidential report.

    We make our decisions in most cases on the application form and supporting documents alone. Candidates who require special consideration, e.g. on grounds of age, disability or non-standard entry qualifications may be interviewed.

    Language Requirements

    Applicants whose first language is not English and do not have a degree from a UK university will be required to provide evidence of competency in English by reaching an appropriate standard in an approved text such as IELTS, TOEFL and the Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (grades A-C) or the Certificate in Advance English (grades A or B). Test results should be less than two years old at the time of expected registration at the University of Southampton and must be verified before admission.

    * Learning &assessment

    Your understanding of the subjects covered and your ability to use the knowledge and skills gained will be enhanced through a variety of methods and strategies on this Masters in Accounting and Finance. Some of the key learning approaches that you will experience as a student in the School will include:

    • Group work
    Group work provides you with the opportunity to meet and learn to work with many different people through these activities. This is recognised as vital in your development when looking forward to a management role in your future career.

    • Case-studies
    Throughout the Accounting and Finance masters degree programme you will be presented with many different business case-studies that reflect the reality of decision-making and problem-solving activities in today’s business environment. The case studies are selected to reflect the specific needs of your programme.

    • Learning alongside other students
    This will involve you being part of a unit that could have up to 180 or more fellow students. In this environment you may be given the opportunity to discuss a specific problem or complete a task in small groups.

    • You will also be timetabled to meet in a group of about 20 – 25 students with a teacher for classes/seminars that are designed to follow-up the large group lectures. It is in these smaller groups that you will be set tasks, exercises, problem-solving activities or laboratory work.